Monday, May 30, 2011

between a rock and a hard place.

got mah naiiiilz did today. ;) I haven't bitten them in 2 or 3 weeks so this was my reward, $50 french manicure and it's SO purdy!! The lady who did my nails said I looked like I was a sophomore in high school LOL I was like, okay bitch look.. try sophomore in COLLEGE. Bahah. she was sweet though... she got a very generous tip haha.

Breaking bad habits one step at a time.... What should I conquer next? LOL... hmmm i wonder.

Anyways, I feel like shit. Idky, just feel sickly today. =/ I laid in the sun so that's probably why.. my head all hurts and so does my stomach. Blahhh. OH but I actually looked semi-decent today.. It was because of the sun.. I got a tad burned on my face.. so now instead of a weird greyish tint to my face, it's red. It's a nice change. My friends mom at the party said I looked good. She was probably being nice, but it was sweet.. made me want to get more sunburn lol.

"One day, Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. 'Which road do I take?' she asked. 'Where do you want to go?' was his response. 'I don't know,' Alice answered. 'Then,' said the cat, 'it doesn't matter."

I love this quote. Because it makes me think. A lot. Some days I want to get better. Most days I don't think I'm worth it, worth anything, useless. And I know that's true. But some days I'm sick of being different. Which direction should I go in? I don't know... so, it doesn't matter, right?

between a rock and a hard place.

OH. On PT the other day, there was a post in the anti-boredom area that asked us to name a thing you don't like about yourself and name a thing you do like about yourself. I wrote a list of about 5 bad things and stopped. Stared at the computer for a few minutes trying to think about something I like about myself.. does anyone feel that way? They can't pick anything good about themselves? And don't say anything good about me, I'm not fishing for compliments. It just really upset me. It makes me feel that I'm horrible. And now I know it's true. I'm nothing good. I give nothing good to anyone. I can do nothing well. I'm useless. Plain and simple.
I'm just having a really hard time right now, sorry for being so annoying.


  1. I know what your saying about the comment. I usually skip over those posts because the only good thing I can say are my eyes. I got yah girlllll. I like that quote to weeee. You aren't being annoying because iiiilllovveee youuu muhah. 50 bucks for nails fuck that shit lol better of have gold in them if I ever pay that much lol.

  2. You're not annoying.
    Really, I did that so many times.
    There are tons of good things about you though.
    I think you are really pretty btw, so that one doesn't work on me.
    Pretty hair, and pretty eyes and a pefecto face shape.
    Well I remember thinking you're so pretty and I think you'd posted a picture on pt. (:
    You're good at editing photos, cos that one >
    is really cool.
    You'really kind because you leave kind comments and you're funny!
    So theres a few.

    I love that quote too!
    That's weird, in my Alice and Wonderland it says
    "That depends a great deal on where you want to get to."

    I'm like reading your blog backwards lol.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    I bet you looked really pretty.

  3. *there's a few for you.
    I'm suure there's way more.
