Wednesday, June 1, 2011

shout outs woo hoo.

Today was alright. Woke up, ran a 5k, got salad with my mother, went to the beach with some friends at night. We went to the city beach to sit on the docks, it was so nice outside.. then we went to Evanston and walked around downtown there.. I got a dress to wear for my friends birthday Friday night.. Planning on getting so wasted. We're going to take her to eat at a stir fry place, gah. I'll "eat" before.

Not really feeling anything today, just kinda numb, but whatever.
-I hate that my fingers/hands shake. It's so embarrassing. Whatever.

I'm pretty fucking exhausted, and even though I'm with my friends a lot lately, I feel so alone.. they don't know me and neither does my family. I love my PT family.

Lassie- Your comments to me are always so sweet and make me feel a million times better. I'm really glad we started blogging since we never really talked on PT. I can't wait until you go back! (If you do decide to go back, that is.

Lilyzara- You are seriously such an inspiration to me. I hope to recover one day and whenever I think it's impossible, I think of you and how great you are doing with recovery. It's so nice to see you back on PT and I hope you stay if you find it's good for you, but then I want you to leave if it's getting in the way of you getting better. I hope you know you can always talk to me about anything you have on your mind.

Nancy- I love you guuurl. You know everything that I'd say to you. You're like my sister from another mister and you are seriously like, the best friend I've ever had. Talking to you always makes me feel like I don't have an eating disorder.. you make me feel like I'm totally normal and I love that about you. We are totally meeting up one day.

-there are so many more people from PT who have impacted me, but sadly, they don't have blogs lmao.. but you know who you guys are.


  1. sister from another mister nice lol. DITTO <3 weeeeee

  2. Awww honey! <3
    I am glad too, you're lovely.
    I was thinking about going back to pt tonight...
    I don't know though. lol.
