Monday, September 5, 2011

you're a dick.

Do you ever feel like you don't belong in your body? Like.... like you are not good enough for it? Not worth enough? My brain is so fucked up, my "spirit" is so fucked up or whatever. What did I ever do to deserve this body? I'm ruining it all; everything is on my shoulders, and I'm getting very tired of carrying the weight around.

And the amazing part is, I'm smart... school smart, I mean, other smarts, not so much... but I should logically be able to see what I am doing to myself and stop it. Logic is the key and I can't figure out which door it opens. How incredibly smart does that make me? Genius.

PS. I couldn't think of a title for this, and on TV a commercial came on, and some dude said, "You're a dick." lol. So, no one is a dick.. except maybe, a dick.... this is getting awkward.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself that you can't logically see what you're doing to yourself. i find with ED's, all logic is thrown out the window, and since it's not your fault you have an ED, it's not your fault the logic's gone :(

    (p.s. you PS bit made me laugh . . . a lot.)
