Thursday, September 15, 2011

i hate hair.

I am a bad friend. I'm so absorbed in my own shit and I don't have the time or focus to help any of my friends. They send me texts and I can't focus enough to read them or even understand what they are trying to say.. and I snap at them. I'm awful.

I'm sorry.

PS. Again, title is a quote I just heard on Chelsea Lately... lol.

1 comment:

  1. Aww but it's understandable you can't userstand the text as you're so malnourished - and it's not your fault you have an ED so therefore this isn't your fault :(

    When I wrote "fortnight" on my blog I did imagine you'll laugh ;) literally everyone I know days the word posh?! Lol!

    Z used to got me recovering throughout 2010 but had to stop helping last december. so yeah, she's a very good friend but 'cause most of my old friends hate me now we don't hang out anymore but it makes me happy she treats me normal now :)
    Jess is going OP as of next week I think? And gets weekends off too (:

    Take care, xxxx
