Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm tired. So tired.
I worked today and now I can't focus on homework. My body is exhausted and so is my mind.
I don't want to go shopping, but I will. I should do homework, but I can't get off the couch. I can't even run.
I need less hours at work but I want to be able to do it.. I don't want to let anyone down by asking for less.
I don't want to disappoint my boss, and I won't. My co-worker goes to school full time, too, and she told our boss she needs to work less. But I don't want to be like her. I need to be stronger. Better.
I need to be less. Nothing. Less than nothing. Gone.

Going to visit one of my best friends colleges today with my other best friend. I'm excited for that, but I need a nap.
I'll go nap now, I suppose. There goes shopping.
I need a break.
I need a lot of things.

Hope you all are well.

1 comment:

  1. aww sweetie, sorry you're feeling so drained :( i'm not surprised that you dont feel upto it right now. maybe just have a rest for a bit. i really think you should ask for less hours - it doesn't make you weak, you're just human afterall :( no one will be let down if you ask for less hours :( sorry yuo're feeling so rubbish, xxxxxxx
