Monday, June 13, 2011

life, FTW!

I was babysitting my 2 cousins Saturday night and started feeling like death. I was shivering and I actually felt like dying. I drove home and I'm surprised I didn't die, because I was almost passed out, but I came home and just slept. Sunday I went to the hospital and had a strep test done. Positive. So I laid on the couch all day and napped in my parents bed. Then today I woke up with horrible pain in my right ear and I couldn't walk right or stand without feeling sick, so my parents took me back to the doctors. They said nothing about my ears really but I have some weird contagious virus and the flu, on-top of the strep throat. So basically I feel amazing.. lol not.

So it was my right ear that it was hard to hear out of and hurt, but now it's my left. And my left is way worse than my right was. It's all plugged and it's hard to hear out of it and it's uncomfortable and it hurts.

I had my first day of summer classes today, but I obviously couldn't go. And I had to call in sick to work again today, which sucks because I love my job, but they were really good about it, so that was a load off my shoulders. I always worry about shit like that but it worked out fine. Damn my ear hurts. Complain complain complain.

No one has been making me eat these past few days, not that they make me eat anyways, so I don't know why I said that, but whatever. I'm not hungry anyways, probably from all the delicious mucus I've been swallowing. YUM. Lol sorry, that was gross. ;)

We're watching my cousins dog and the thing doesn't eat. It's kinda annoying! Lol I'm like EAT COSMO!!! But nooooo. Oh well.


1 comment:

  1. Awww that sucks you're feeling so ill :[ i hope you get better soon, xxxxx
