Monday, October 10, 2011

Dear sweatpants, Y U NO FIT?

My co-workers have taken to feeding me lately. It's sweet, but it makes me want to rip all of their hearts out.
They've done this before, but stopped, and now they're at it again.

One gave me ritz crackers today. Another brings me Starbucks drinks and breads whenever she goes, and another always gets me food from McDonald's even when all I ask for is a diet coke (she actually started getting me regular coke, I've noticed).

It's irritating.
I know they "care" blah blah blah.

I'm just avoiding moving upstairs so I'm writing about this, lol. I'm too lazy and weak today to budge.

I have 70+ pages to read for homework. Thanks to my good friend Work, I did not have time to study all weekend. I just finished my main assignment, which is a relief, but now I'm ditching my first two classes in order to prepare for my human development test.

Oh, Lilly close your eyes, I've checked my schedule for this coming week, as my boss was in today and I knew she'd be putting it up, and they've put me back for 30 hours. Granted, 6 hours are call-in shifts, so if they don't use me for those, it'll be 24 hours. Bloody hell! ;) (I hear/read this in Harry Potter and think it's the funniest phrase in the world).

Dear sweatpants, Y U NO FIT!
I washed my sweatpants and the stupid strings got in this huge knot. So now, not only are my pants huge on me, whenever I walk, they fall down lol. And they are my favorite indoor pants. Goodness, my life is rough. =P Jk, but I'm glad this is the only major problem I am having today. I'm also glad I think it's funny..


  1. I hate when my sweatpants do that!! haha but I can imagine how annoying the feeding would be lol I hate when my friends even offer me food!

  2. Ohh I'm sorry your work are doing that but they only are because they care :/ please email them or something to ask for less hours? :/ please 'cause you have so much work and really aren't coping :(
    Do people in America not say "bloody hell"? Or are you just imagining it with an English accent?

    At least your biggest problem is only about trackies and you can sort that out? Hopefully? :/

    Take care (btwcheckyouremail"lovelybones"oneisentamessagethough:/sorryidk,sorry.itmoghtbethewrongemailtoobutigotitoffyourpagesoifitsnottherightonethensorryagain.sorry)love you xxxxxxxxx
