Thursday, October 13, 2011


I've wanted to run a marathon for at least 3 years now. It's always been a goal of mine. I love running, the girls from my high school new that, and I was voted, "Most likely to run a marathon" senior year, lol.. along with "nicest person" or something stupid like that.

I've done 8ks and 5ks, and I'm doing a 5k this Sunday with my family for breast cancer (although I will be walking it).. my mother is a 5 year survivor this year.  (: Also doing a 5k turkey trot with my best friend, which we will be running.

Anyways, the Bank of America just had their annual marathon a few days ago, and my legs are itching to do it. I can run 5 miles right now (on good days) without stopping.

I know I can't do the marathon while having an eating disorder and that tears me apart.
I don't want to recover, I'm not ready, I won't even attempt to fake that I might be ready.
But I really want to run this bitch next year.
I want to be happy.
I want to be free.

but I don't want it bad enough.


  1. You don't have to be in a rush to run the marathon but hopefully someday you'll be able to :) it's good though that you realise you're not in the condition to run a marathon, but I have no idea how you (or anyone) can run 5 miles :p (I hate running lol)

    And I'm not surprised you were voted "nicest person" too :)

    Take care, xxxx

  2. Nicest person! <3
    Good luck on Sunday, that's lovely, you must be proud of your mum ?
    Good luck in the turkey trot too, that's such a cool name as well , haha.

    Aww, I'm sorry, that is trully shite.
    I hope that one day you can put your dreams before your state of mind.
