Monday, August 27, 2012


School started.
Hate French already.
Teacher literally taught us only the ABC's and the numbers 1-10, and then I look at our homework and it's a bunch of bull shit that I swear is for people who have been taking French all their lives. lol.
I'm taking the Spanish placement test tomorrow during the time that I should be going to French.
Oh well.
I'd rather join Spanish a bit late when I know I can catch up rather than trying to learn a whole new language when I'm 20 years old.
Which, btw, is virtually impossible for me.
Because I'm literally stupid.

I love school otherwise so far, mind you, I've only had 3 classes today, lol.
Tomorrow I have 2 new ones, not counting French, which is 4 days a week, and which I will be dropping.
I'll take Spanish at 9 am if I have to.

Loved all my professors so far, my French one was my favorite.. Shame I'm dropping it.
I'm just so stressed out already.
I didn't have to eat today.
Just had a banana and my coffee at school.

Sad that not eating makes me happy.
But I'm sad, and so is my life.
Hardy har fucking har.

Things aren't good lately.
I don't deserve good, anyway.

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