Sunday, August 5, 2012

down down down


Really struggling, not like before, it's worse. I can't describe. This time, it's different. I don't care who notices, who sees...

 I just want to disappear and want people to just let me go. It will be better off for everyone.

I can barely place thoughts into words, I'm sorry.

The only thing keeping me eating before running  is that I don't want my sister to see me faint. She's the one I'm trying to protect. She's the only one home when I run. I hope she doesn't notice how little I eat.

I don't know what is different this time. Usually I have an idea of what triggered me. This time, I don't.

I haven't bit my nails in over 3 weeks.

I want coffee.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you disappearing wouldn't be better for everyone :( You seem like such a lovely sister.
    Hope you're alright xx
