Sunday, April 17, 2011

oy vey.

"Interesting history paper topics."
Is what I googled. Our professor lets us write about literally anything.. my first paper was on a few of Shakespeares plays.. and then my second paper was on Black Holes lol. He actually quite liked it. I figured I'd do him a favor and actually write about something history related this time. I was thinking about writing about the Freemasons.. they're an interesting group. But my head is pounding.

Maybe I should eat. No, I'm going to Starbucks later to write and I was planning on getting a drink. It's actually a weird headache.. like.. one side of my head hurts and my eyes are all tired and idk it's just weird.. I just want to sleep. Cold medicine it is tonight. Hopefully I'll sleep.

I'm watching Sex and the City 2. I saw it in theaters.. wasn't worth the 10 bucks.. but it's fine watching at home. The girls are packing to go back to New York.. home sweet home. I love that feeling.. when you're away from home and getting ready to return home. Sure home isn't always great, but it's comfortable.

Just figured it out. I got new headbands yesterday from Charlotte Russe and it hurts my head lol.
Beauty is pain. Too bad I have no beauty.

I'm just rambling... stalling.. I don't want to do my paper. 5 boring pages. It'll take an hour.. but.. an hour too long. I want a bunny for Easter. We'll see if I get one. I'm gonna sound like a spoiled little bitch, but, I usually always get what I want.. probably because I don't ask for much, but still. I did sound like a spoiled bitch. Certainly not little, but, oh well.

I want summer. I want to do nothing all day. I don't want to do homework. I want to sleep. And not eat. All day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the wedding, when Liza Minnelli turns up, haha.

    I don't think you sound like a spoilt bitch.. if you did you wouldn't admit to getting stuff.

    Roll on Summer! (:
