Sunday, February 27, 2011


I got my wisdom teeth out. Um, ow. The pain killers the evil surgeon gave me make me sick to my stomach and I've been sleeping since Thursday.. the only good thing about them. Reading PT makes me sick.. not just PT, anything internet related lol, so I've been staying off mostly.. checking the forum from time to time. I can't eat anything, just liquids really.. but I get to eat oatmeal! But I haven't yet because I'm afraid to eat with these big holes in my mouth. The mouth just scares me in general.. I hate that I can taste and feel what they did to my teeth. Just freaks me out I guess... hello teeth phobia? Jk.. hm... Well I can't decide if I should go to school tomorrow or not.. I only have two classes, sociology and a history class.. my sociology professor posts all her notes on line and in my history class we're watching the West Side Story which I recorded on my tivo anyways... I guess I don't really have to go.. Blah blah blah. I'm watching Titanic now.. it's the end when the boat is sinking, I hate that part. Hm, and the Oscars are on tonight. I'm embarrassed to say but I love all the award shows.. gonna watch it. Ramble ramble. I'm dizzy. =X


  1. I hate the dentist too!! Hope you feel better, I want to find a stream of the awards for my comp but I haven't yet :(

  2. hope you're not in too much pain :l
    I loved the west side story

    hmm, if I were you, I wouldn't have gone in..but then again, I'll use any excuse to skive.

    take care, xxx
