Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The joys of family.

So I was at Target today getting some soft foods to please my family because I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.. I got popsicles, yogurt, pudding, more oatmeal, and diet cherry coke... as I was going for the diet coke my mother looks at me and says, "You're going to gain the freshmen 15 with that..." With diet cherry coke? Yes, mother... I'm going to gain weight from a substance that has no calories or fat. I hate it when she says shit like that. Little fuck. I'm never going to be good enough for her.

Also, my sister punched me in Target, I didn't punch her back because we were in public lol.. and then I just let it go because, well, because she's only 10 years old.. then she slapped my head when she said goodnight to me and I got pissed and just said, "Thanks for the slap, if you hit me one more time I'll hit you right back..." or something like that, and my mother gets all bitchy and calls me crabby and annoying. Wtf... God, I am sorry for not enjoying being hit by my sister... please help me improve myself?

 Blah blah blah. Them against me, always. I'm never wanted on anyones side.

The good part about tomorrow is I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. Maybe I'll sleep for once because of the drugs.

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