happy easter.. right? I was meant to sit at the kids table.. because I'm not good enough for the adult table.. Okay.... but then after a few minutes they let me sit at the adult table, "We were just kidding dear.".... Alright... Easter was a mess. I ate some fruit salad and some corn. It was pretty good, I love strawberries and grapes and apples.. and I'm obsessed with corn. "Aren't you going to eat?"... Yeah... blahblahblah. I hate family get-togethers. No, I like them, some.. seeing them all.. playing with my younger cousins, but they are not shy about anything. They call you out on your BS, which I hate to my very sole.. soul?... soul. lol.
Personal business is personal business.
I'm always so sleepy. Weee. Ditching my first class tomorrow because my second class was canceled, so why "wake up" early for my first. So I'll stay home and workout weee. Until I have work at 245-545. 3 hours is so great lol. I love work. I'm always moving and my co-workers are sweet.
I want something, but, I'm not quite sure what. Tomorrow? I think I want tomorrow. No I want sleep. And to take my pills (not in a suicidal way).. I just like my morning vitamins and diet pills and iron tablets and.. shit there is one more but I forgot.. ah well.. I love taking them out of their perfect bottles and setting them on my dresser all nicely placed according to size.. now If I could just get my hand back on some sleeping pills..
WEEE that is what I want. Figured it out. I was watching New Adventures of Old Christine with my friend yesterday and Christine got sleeping pills. I was so jealous I wanted to die lol I was jonesing so hard core.
Sleep shouldn't be something that one misses. Seriously. Everyone needs sleep. like, yeah. I just want to fucking sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Please? bahahahuhauhf I'm going psycho. Okay bye.
OH WAIT! I've noticed that I'm starting to type like people from England lolol. I say 'lovely' all the time, and "bloody hell!' lmao. They're so funny. I also just watched Harry Potter so I think that might be why.. Bloody hell you are lovely! ;)